Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So Sweet

So this morning I was doing a quiet time and came across one of those amazing passages that has been underlined and circled and all sorts of stuff, so you know it is a good one. It is Ps. 63, and it is so amazing I mean just listen to some of these words:
"My soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a DRY and WEARY land where there is NO WATER....Because your steadfast love is better than LIFE, my lips will praise you"
Uhhh so amazing isn't it? I long for his love to be better than life to me! Anyways just thought I would share this beautiful scripture and hope that it is just what someone needed to hear (as it was for me this morning)

1 comment:

  1. That is so beautiful- thanks for posting. I love how much you love the Lord :)
