Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hair do...or don't?

If you know me, then you know I am the type of person who when I want to do something I want it to be done the very second I think of it, some might call that being impatient, however I like to use the word "spontaneous". Like I can't just sit and think about things for weeks before deciding to do them...if I get an idea I'm like in the car 3 min. later on my way to do it. While I can see how in some situations this fiery motivated side of me can be a very good thing, it can also lead to a very not-so-smart thing. One of the things that usually suffers from this personality trait of mine is my hair! Don't know why but it's like the second I get the itch to do something different with it I just do it and unfortunately it has turned out not so great on a few occasions. So yesterday I got the itch...I want something new for my hair want to change it up a bit BUT this time I am going to make sure and think about it first, not make any rash decisions, maybe ask the Mr. and anyone who actually reads this what they think (even though my first instinct is to pick up the phone and make a hair appointment today) I will try to with hold! Well here's my thought.....bangs. Bangs and I haven't had the greatest relationship in the past but I think I can get over it and try once again. So this is what I am thinking:

just a soft bang that I can either wear straight or push to the side for the side sweep.

Now here is a picture of me from about 2 years ago (one of my bad hair experiences) however after they grew out from the 2 cm. long bangs the stupid woman cut me I think they looked kinda cute but I was too traumatized to get them trimmed again thinking that I would end up with the Chinese short bangs again!

Not the greatest picture of me but this is seriously the only time I wore them down because the rest of the time they were still so short, not to mention crooked....thanks 60 year old hair dresser!

Anyways please feel free to comment...give me your opinion should I take the plunge or just get my hair trimmed and stay safe?


  1. I love that picture of you with bangs! You make me want them! I think you should do it:)

  2. I think you should do it too! They are super cute on you and they will always grow out if you decide you dont like it :)

  3. How about bangs and color! When I first saw the pictures and the title (before reading it) I thought you were thinking of getting your hair dyed darker...and I thought "that would be cute for fall!"

  4. Girl, You look so cute with your bangs. I second what Jay said. PLUS, if you want a little change, it's PERFECT!!!

  5. um, yes. i have those bangs right now and love them :) you should probably just do it :)
